Aleksander Wierzejski LIVE!

Friday April 7th we spoke to Glen Jorgensen on Smolensk Crash research and challenges facing people who dare to search the truth. Second part of the show was about the Polish American Congress’s inability to represent Polish American’s politcal drive. Zygmunt Staszewski is one of the founders of the new US Polish American organization. Our Marysia Kądzielska of Wprost weekly […]

Friday April 7th we spoke to Glen Jorgensen on Smolensk Crash research and challenges facing people who dare to search the truth. Second part of the show was about the Polish American Congress’s inability to represent Polish American’s politcal drive. Zygmunt Staszewski is one of the founders of the new US Polish American organization. Our Marysia Kądzielska of Wprost weekly presented this story.
